Home Excerpts


Author: R. de Saussure

Date: 1935

Type: A Posteriori (Source: Mostly Latin or mix of European languages)

Foye vivis una rejo, kay ti gerne havis bela nova vestum, ke hi elspezis sia tuta monu, por nur esti chiam bele ornamita.

Miscellaneous Information:

René de Saussure was the brother of Ferdinand, the father of modern linguistics. He was an active Esperantist until he began trying to reform the language. He created Antido I (1907), Antido II (1910), Lingvo Kosmopolitana (1912), Esperantida (1919), Nov-Esperanto (1925), Mondialo (1929), Universal-Esperanto (1935), Esperanto II (1937), and probably a few others.

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